Employment Skills Hub
The Skills Hub consists of internal and external trainings, workshops and courses geared towards empowering clients to become proactive and motivated job seekers and/or entrepreneurs. We offer a range of courses in English, job readiness, digital literacy, and business development.

English For Integration
As English is 1 of the 11 official languages of South Africa, and the main language in business, communicating in English is a fundamental step towards integration. This skill opens pathways to understanding your local community, finding employment and further education. Employment Access offers 7 levels of classes via WhatsApp and Literacy classes, in-person, at the centre. For more information WhatsApp on 072 069 2014 or visit our webpage here

Job Readiness
The trainings build confidence and self-esteem to apply for work and explore various income-generating opportunities to further develop professional skills. The courses focus on clients’ skills and experience, as well as their ability to articulate their skills and experience in the business sector. Topics include professionalism, phone etiquette, and interview skills. All clients registered with Employment Access qualify to attend the trainings. Courses are:
- Exploring opportunities (for income-generating activities)
- Professional development

Digital Literacy
Digital literacy helps people who are refugees, migrants, and South Africans gain the digital skills necessary to engage in a digital economy and improve their livelihoods. The aim is to develop informed and skilled participants that can apply the acquired competencies when applying for work and in employment.
- Smartphone Digital Literacy
The Smartphone Digital Literacy training focuses on how to use a cell phone effectively to navigate Gmail and Google Drive, write professional emails and apply for jobs on Gumtree. At the end of the training, learners will be independent job seekers that can successfully search and apply for jobs.
- Foundational Digital Literacy
The Foundational Digital Literacy course teaches basic computer literacy skills such as turning on a computer, using a mouse and accessing the internet and further Intermediate digital skills such as writing an email, making a CV, or searching for specific information on the internet. Upon completion, students are well-equipped, and with practice begin to develop strong computer skills.
- Google Suites
The Google Suite course is an online course operated through Google Classroom and designed for clients to gain digital literacy skills that are necessary for higher level jobs. During the 10-week course, a variety of Google applications are taught so that students can gain an understanding of how to use Google Suites, increase employability and enhance digital computer literacy skills.

Sponsored Skills Training
Clients who meet basic criteria are sponsored in entry-level vocational skills courses. Employment Access works with reputable external training providers to provide practical and relevant entry-level and advanced trainings in, inter alia, nanny/au pair, call centre, barista, office administration, etc. Research has shown that the skills gained in these trainings have a permanent, positive impact; improving employment chances and enabling business growth. After training, clients are further assisted through the post-training Graduate Support Programme.

Business Development
Focusing on business development can help small businesses identify markets and products that can improve income and make the business sustainable. Employment Access offers Business Development training that covers self-aware, marketing, customer service and financial management. The outcome of the training is the compilation of a relevant and professional business plan. Clients then stand the chance of obtaining a small business grant to contribute towards making the business sustainable and further mentorship opportunities.
- How to develop a business idea (for clients thinking of starting a business)
- Small business Development Course (for established business owners).
Contact us for more information on the above courses: employmentsupport@scalabrini.org.za
Internship Placement
Employment Access supports students completing an Associate’s Degree in Business Management, Healthcare Management and Customer Care with the Southern New Hampshire University. Work experience is intended to provide students with an opportunity to see how theories of their specialized associate’s degree (Business management/Healthcare management/Customer care) are applied in practice and to experience skills development in the workplace. By working in a professional environment students can gain hands-on experience while learning directly from professionals in their field of study.
You can expect a highly motivated student who can complete projects, conduct research and engage in a variety of tasks. Your intern can also provide new perspective on processes, procedures and programs. Interns will have a skillset commensurate with their education and beyond. The average internship length is 3 months however, this is dependent on the organizations availability to host an intern as well as students class schedules.

What is the hiring process?
Mentors/intern supervisors complete an internship description – we can work with you to identify areas where interns may support your organization or business. Scalabrini will match you with interns and forward you their resumes and cover letters via email — we can help you screen candidates and find a great fit!
Once you have chosen an intern and selected an internship start and end date, Scalabrini will assign your intern to you.
For more information: Please contact Prashana Rampersad, Internship Coordinator at the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town: prashana@scalabrini.org.za
Work Experience Placement
Employment Access aims at finding meaningful work experience for our clients who have successfully graduated from Skills Training Sponsorships and entered into the Graduate Support Programme. Work experience is intended to provide clients with an opportunity to apply their sector specific skills and to experience skills development in the workplace. By working in a professional environment clients can gain hands-on experience while learning directly from professionals.
The programme is looking for organisations who may be interested in hiring skills training graduates for work experience.
The skills training sponsorships are as follows:
- Restaurant industry (chefs, kitchen assistants, waitrons, bartenders)
- Hospitality (hotel reception, housekeeping
- Baking and confectionary industry
- Baristas
- Childcare industry/ Advanced Au Pair
- Nails and beauty
- Artisan (welding & grinding, electrical, plumbing)
- Forecourt Attendants

For more information: Please contact Fortune at the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town: fortune@scalabrini.org.za
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