Leensa Ghenetti: Communications and Women’s Platform Volunteer
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“I come from the Netherlands and Ethiopia but have spent the majority of my life living in New York. Coming from a mixed background, I have always been interested in issues relating to integration and multiculturalism. I’m currently pursuing a degree in political science at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.
Within my studies I have become quite interested in the institution of democracy and how it functions in different countries as well and the prevalence of vote buying and clientelistic behavior. I was first drawn to South Africa’s unique political climate which lead me to spend a semester studying at UCT, last August. During this period of time I met many inspiring people and was exposed to the diverse problems that are prevalent in a society in transition. One of these problems being that of discrimination against migrants and refugees and barriers to integrating.
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“Having greatly enjoyed my time in Cape Town and inspired by what I had learned through my past experiences here, I couldn’t resist coming back and working for Scalabrini as a communications intern…”
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On a day to day basis I work on finding compelling articles to share, interviewing and writing human interest pieces and documenting different evens. While I simultaneously assist as needed with various tasks in the office. I’ve enjoyed the dynamic work environment and having the ability to access and see the many different moving parts of Scalabrini….My future plans involve getting a masters degree, possibly in political communication or international development ”