Judy Park – All Rounder Volunteer
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Judy wants to work in human rights, focusing on people being able to come into the United States. This is the reason she is specialising in American politics at university and why she came to Scalabrini for a few weeks where she was an All Rounder. Read more about Judy’s experience below.
“I’m in a programme with my school right now, which is an internship plus a class. There’s a partnership between my school and Connect123, an organisation that helps you find NGOs that you can volunteer at. I said that I want to work with human rights and Connect123 knew just the place for me.
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“Instead of staying in one programme, I was able to have that diversity, which I think is important for me now.”
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As an All Rounder, I never know what to expect. Sometimes I fill in for EAP (Employment Access Programme) or I work a lot with Women’s Platform and Convo Club. I also work with operations and so I did data capturing and administration work, which is pretty time consuming and operations is super busy, so I was able to do that and take care of that, which I think was helpful for them.
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I also work reception. It was really hard at first and I didn’t know anything. People would ask “what’s this?” and I was like, “ I don’t know, what is this?”. So I’d call Asha and she would explain it to me. I got to know Scalabrini so much better because of reception and have a new profound respect for receptionists.
I have learnt that going on to my career, I need to find a position where I’m not stuck in one spot, I want to be able to work in different areas. I don’t know what that would look like, but if there’s a full time All Rounder position somewhere, that would be perfect for me. I also learnt that I love making it easier for other people to do their jobs, so operations was a really good fit for me. I know my skills are data capturing, facilitating stuff and making sure all administrative stuff is done, I really figured that out at Scalabrini. Instead of staying in one programme, I was able to have that diversity, which I think is important for me now.
My only low would be taking over reception for the first time when I had no idea what I was doing. I was lost, I couldn’t work the phones or transfer calls. It was embarrassing. Going off that, my high would be being able to take over from Asha for a full day. That’s a real testament to how I’ve been able to learn here and that I can really do something here, not just for Asha, but for everyone else. My favourite time here has been at reception. It’s been a lot of fun.
If everything goes well, I would like to work for an NGO and I also want to spend time working with the UN. My experiences here have solidified what I was planning on doing before. A lot of my friends who have been interning at NGOs and have realised that it’s not what they want to do, but I’m the exact opposite. This is exactly what I want to do. If there’s a Scalabrini back in America, I definitely want to work there, or come back here. The environment here is great, my coworkers are great and I think the work they do here is really important.”