#FarFromHome: Khader
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Welcome to our global #FarFromHome series: reflections on covid-19 lockdown from people who are are far from their family and home-country. We hope this brings comfort and reassurance. We chat to Khader, from Palestine, who lives in Greece.
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What has kept you going at this time? The hope that science will soon find a therapy end the vaccine for the new virus. Also, I now have more time to pursue academic interests.
Has anything brought you hope or inspiration at this time? The latest positive scientific news has brought me hope.
What other emotions has this period brought for you? This period has brought insecurity, loneliness and fear.
What in your life history has made you better able to deal with this situation? The difficult times I experienced since my early years in my home country, Palestine, has made me better prepared for this situation.
What good qualities has lockdown brought out in you? I have realised that I can create a safer and healthier environment for those around me.
What characteristics of yourself have you relied on to get through this tough time? My positive attitude.
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Has this experience changed your interaction with your neighbours or community? Yes, I am now more interested in the needs of the people around me.
What would be your advice to those people facing loneliness at this time? If you are lonely at this time, communicate more often with relatives and friends via the internet and the telephone. And, when needed, seek advice from the experts.
Is there any other message you would like to send to other people who are living far from their original birthplace during this time? Stay healthy and eventually everything will be how it was before.
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With thanks to Solidarity Now – an NGO in Greece that is is committed to improve vulnerable people’s lives in order to pursue a better future, with dignity and perspectives. Read more here, or follow them on Facebook.
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