Cape Town Enrica Fitzgerald Volunteer Story

Enrica Fitzgerald: EAP and Accounting Volunteer

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Origionally from Nassau, in the Bahamas, Enrica has a degree in Accounting and Sociology from Saint Mary’s in Canada. She came to Cape Town in July and was doing an accounting internship but then got referred to Scalabrini by Bridging Gaps. This is her experience.

“In my time at Scalabrini I volunteered with the Employment Access programme and also had the opportunity to assist with the organization’s accounting systems. Through my experience I gained a deeper insight into political and economic climate, and to be honest, I didn’t really realize there were so many African Refugees.

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The Western Media doesn’t focus on African issues and it isn’t highlighted by the media. Another thing is that I learnt how to relate to people better. I can get a point across and make someone feel comfortable even across a language barrier.

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I’ve been surprised at the number of older people who weren’t able to finish school. It’s been a real eye-opener. Also, so many people have degrees which are credible, but they’re just not credible here. Qualified people aren’t able to work.

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“My one wish for clients here is that they don’t lose hope – this process is frustrating.”

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We all have a connection to home and I hope that Scalabrini clients can make the best of a difficult situation and find a home here. I loved Cape Town. It’s beautiful! I’m met smart and conscious people who are friendly and helpful all the time. And we don’t have a mountain back home so that has been a real highlight for me!”
