My Child has a problem accessing Documents
Documents in South Africa
If you are not South African, it is very important that you hold valid documentation while you are in South Africa. This is not always easy. If you are not South African and you have a child with someone who is also not South African, your child does not automatically have South African citizenship. The child ‘inherits’ the parents’ citizenships. Therefore, it is important to get your child a birth certificate if possible and a document. We explore these options below.
Steps you can take
Here are steps you can take when enrolling your child in school:
1. If you have an asylum seeker document
In South Africa, a foreign child’s documentation is linked to the parent or legal caregiver’s document. To document your child linked to your asylum seeker document, you must first have a valid asylum seeker document. Then, you must apply for something called ‘family joining’ at the Refugee Reception Office. We really advise you to get advice on this. You can contact our Scalabrini Advocacy Whatsapp line on 0782603536, or they might refer you to a nearby organisation for more help.
2. If you have a refugee status
In South Africa, a foreign child’s documentation is linked to the parent or legal caregiver’s document. To document your child linked to your refugee document, you must first have a valid refugee document. Then, you must apply for something called ‘family joining’ at the Refugee Reception Office where you first were given refugee status. We really advise you to get advice on this. You can contact our Scalabrini Advocacy Whatsapp line on 0782603536, or they might refer you to a nearby organisation for more help.
3. If you have a visa (work, study, partner)
In South Africa, a foreign child’s documentation is linked to the parent or legal caregiver’s document. To document your child under yourself, you must first have a valid visa and a valid passport. This means that your work visa, study visa, volunteer visa, etc. must be valid. If it is valid, you would have to get advice on how to apply for a visa to document your child in South Africa. This would also involve you having to get a passport for your baby from your consulate. This is a bit complicated and we really advise you to get advice on this. You can contact our Scalabrini Advocacy Whatsapp line on 0782603536 – They will *not* be able to assist you directly, but can give you more information.
4. If you are undocumented
In South Africa, a foreign child’s documentation is linked to the parent or legal caregiver’s document. To document your child under yourself, you must first have valid documentation.
It is not always easy to get documented in South Africa. However, it is very important that you have documents. If you do not have any documentation at all, you are at risk of detention. We suggest you read this brochure, which has some contact details at the bottom. We also strongly advise that you get urgent advice. You can contact our Scalabrini Advocacy Whatsapp line on 0782603536.