Changes to Refugee Law: Scalabrini sends urgent letter to Minister of Home Affairs
The Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town has sent a letter to Honorable Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi. We are calling on the Minister of Home Affairs to urgently and properly communicate with asylum seekers in South Africa about the serious changes in the refugee law in South Africa. The new law states that asylum-seekers whose permits expire for more than one month will be considered to have ‘abandoned’ their asylum claim. We call for the suspension of this provision. However, if DHA implements this, we call on the Department of Home Affairs to urgently communicate on how this will be implemented, and what asylum-seekers in South Africa must do to ensure that their claims are not considered abandoned. In calling for communication, we in no way agree that the provision is lawful.
Please read and share our letter below, calling on Home Affairs to take urgent action.