Scalabrini Services January 2021

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For general questions about Scalabrini, please email, or call 021 465 6433

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To contact the Advocacy Programme, you can send a WhatsApp or call to 078 260 3536. If you send a message, this will be logged and one of the Advocacy team members will get back to you. You can also check important updates for refugees and migrants here.

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Please note, our Welfare Team has a very limited fund to help refugees and migrants at this time. Please understand that the Welfare Team are simply not able to assist everyone. To apply, please call or send a 'please-call' SMS to 071 711 1486 (Monday-Friday 9am-4pm). You can also email

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For questions related to employment (job seekers for employees, job placement for employers) contact our Employment Access Programme. To contact the Employment Access Programme, please email or send a WhatsApp to 081 491 7811. 

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If you have questions about learning English at Scalabrini, you can contact our English School. The English School conducts classes on WhatsApp. Only certain students come into the office, on invitation only, in line with Covid-19 protocols. To contact the English School, please call or WhatsApp  072 069 2014.

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If you have questions about the Scalabrini Guesthouse please WhatsApp or call 072 126 7808 or email

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If you have questions about Lawrence House, the Child and Youth Care Centre, please email or call 021 448 1144.

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If you have questions about SIHMA, that conducts research, please call 021 461 4741 or email

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Our UNITE programme works with high school students to build social cohesion in South Africa. To find out more, please email

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Our UpLearn programme runs online degrees using a blended learning approach. To find out more, please email

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Our Women’s Platform  brings together women through training and development programme. To contact the Women’s Platform at this time, please email send a Whatsapp message to 061 649 6552

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Check our Facebook page for further announcements. For reliable information on Covid-19 and governmental updates, visit
